Thursday, September 11, 2014

Where We Work Makes a Difference!

This past week was truly remarkable. The company I chose to create a career with invited the top 100 income earners to an all expense paid trip to the Don Cesar resort in St. Pete Florida, on the stunning Gulf of Mexico. I'm not sure which blows me away more, the fact that I'm included with this group of people or the fact that I was invited on an all expense paid trip! It was so beautiful!

But what actually happened there trumps any visual beauty. I am so grateful to be a part of such an amazing experience! I'd love to share a few of the highlights of my experience with you. Will you do something though before you read on? Will you think about your life as I share my experience, and ask yourself if you are living your life to the fullest? Because sometimes it's just one small change that can literally change your life. I know it was for me, and I believe from the bottom of my heart that if I can make a simple change in my life and be living my dreams today, so can you. We are the same. So, here we go. We came together to learn together, to grow together, and to be better together. To fellowship. We shared our stories. We all have a story, and though each is different in many ways, we are the same. We are all on a journey. Some had tough childhoods, some were financially broken, some spiritually broken, and some had "everything" but were empty. I've come to realize that we as people are all the same! "Stuff happens" and then we choose how we are going to come out of it. Surrounding yourself with like minded, forward moving, positive people DOES affect you! A lot more than we may want to admit! We all have choices, and we are in life because we've chosen to be here. Powerful, right? We burned our fears together. Literally! We wrote down what holds us back in our lives & businesses, were vulnerable with each other sharing our fears out loud while dropping them into the fire! GOOD BYE! We became unstoppable together.

Saturday we shared in an experience I will never forget! Our company held a promotion during the month of August. It's called "Starts with One" (#startswithone). Each independent distributor in our company would be entered into a drawing when they enrolled one Loyal Customer (someone who shops at a 40% discount) and one new team member who wants to share some life changing products with their friends and earn income. Now, keep in mind, as we do this, we are creating residual income! Win, win right? Take a step toward bettering your situation, earn commission and get into the drawing! Well, the drawing is mind blowing! See our company believes that "Debt Free is the New Sexy"! Our goal is to help you live FREE! Free of stress and debt! Since the average American has $17,000 in credit card debt, why not draw 20 people's names and each "winner" will have $20,000 in debt PAID OFF by our company! BOOM! Just like that! And we did it. We live streamed it! As #15 income earners in our company for the month of August, my husband Ray & I were able to be one of the hands that drew a name of one of the twenty winners. "Shay" won, and believes that with this incredible gift, their family will be completely debt free in 6 months! That is life changing! And all because she took a chance, and did something she'd never done before to change her family’s circumstances! What could be better? We are doing it AGAIN for the month of September! Any distributor can win! It just takes a first step! One Loyal Customer & one Distributor joins you’re existing or new business in September and we will be drawing another 20 names on October 11, 2014! So why can't that be you?

Saturday night we dressed in 1920's attire and attended an amazing roaring 20's party! Oh my gosh, all I could think of while getting dressed was my sweet granddaughters! I kept thinking how big their smiles would be seeing grandma play dress up! They LOVE to play with all the little dresses and accessories! You know what I'm talking about right? The band was amazing, the décor and centerpieces incredible, costumes were totally of the era and the food was extraordinary! We are a Gives Back company, so all around outside the ball room were gaming tables! And all the money collected went to our Gives Back foundation! I can't wait to hear that number! To whom much is given, much is required. I am so proud to represent a company that literally exists to help people change their lives. Whether giving people their sense of confidence back with that crazy wrap thing, getting healthier, losing unwanted weight, looking younger or choosing to change their financial wealth through sharing all of the above! My gratitude meter is high, and I hope you feel this same passion for where you are or what you do!

Thanks for letting me share today!

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